All Things Through Love

At the heart of any successful project is its creator. There is certainly something to be said for the kind of passion, commitment, and ultimately, love that make this kind of project even possible. Alexander Diaz is a whirlwind of passion and creativity. He is abundant in love. In order to make his Dream a reality, Alex had to ask for a large commitment and sacrifice from many people. He could promise only love and joy in return. But his passion and leadership inspired the many. And his love proved a sweet enough reward.

When Alex first set out to put his vision onto paper, he turned to his trusted assistant, Joni Metras. She had directed in the past, but had never written a script. Still, Alex knew she would be the one who would best be able to understand him and find ‘his’ words. She encouraged Alex to research more and even pushed him to become stronger in his faith. Together, they sat over 8 months, pouring over several Bibles and outside research to create the script for Joseph’s Dream.

200,000 HAPPY FEET

Joseph’s Dream is not Alex’s first large scale project. Together with his partner and the Producer of Joseph’s Dream, Jamie Salisbury, AJ Productions has been going over the top for years. Take for example, in 2010, when they set out to collect shoes to send to earthquake victims in Haiti. Setting out with the already lofty goal of 100,000 pairs of shoes, Alex and Jamie ended up overloaded with 200,000 shoes, filling 5 55-foot trailers to be delivered across the country. And they also made a full length documentary, with the help of the Institute of Art in Boston.


With a foundation in carpentry, and interior design, as well as strong connections throughout the community, AJ Productions has been blessed with opportunities and freedom to pursue their vision and creativity. They have used their productions to inspire hope and happiness throughout the community. Their aim is to create beautiful and rewarding experiences for others to enjoy, from dinner events, performances, fundraisers, interior decorating to the smallest of daily interactions. They give back to the community abundantly. Some past productions include: Soles for Souls, Jesus Christ Superstar (St. Joseph’s, Charlton MA, 2012)